Seven Circles Heritage Center

8817 West Southport Rd. - Edwards IL. 61528
(309)241-7489 or (309)241-7487

A community centered on Native American teachings
creating a spiritual gathering place for all people.

To cultivate cross-cultural understanding and respect by sharing knowledge and developing community.
To preserve and restore indigenous culture.

Gathering of Veterans Pow Wow: Sept. 20 - Sept. 22, 2019
Please check our Announcements and Events pages often!
Seven Circles is a proud supporter of the Wounded Warrior Project
Illegal Drugs and Alcohol are strictly prohibited at Seven Circles.
Seven Circles Heritage Center is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that is supported, in part, by the Illinois Arts Council and your tax-deductible donations. Please consider sending your support in one of the following levels:
Turtle: $25 Wolf: $50 Bear: $100 Buffalo: $250 Eagle: $500
Other (all donations strengthen the Circle)
Please make your check payable to:
Seven Circles Heritage Center,
8817 West Southport Rd. , Edwards, Illinois 61528
Want a quick, easy way to to support Seven Circles? Please use iGive or AmazonSmile (simply select your preferred charity as Seven Circles Heritage Center Of Central Illinois Foundation).